Mischa Barton's Hair

Mischa Barton wearing her hair long with curls
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Mischa Barton is a lovely British actress and model, first appearing on television in All My Children.
She keeps her long hair parted in the middle, with cascading coils that fall past her shoulders. Her hair color is a warm, soft beige, flattering her baby doll features.
The curls are created with a medium-sized curling iron, and a wide-tooth comb is used to achieve the messy coils that are highly sought after today. Her hair frames her high cheekbones and oval-shaped face, giving her a fluffy, floral appearance.
The combination of her hairstyle and the lightness of her makeup creates a pleasing and attractive look.
Mischa Barton - Long hairstyle for high cheekbones
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Mischa Barton hairstyles